Copy the below text into a .ps1 file, replace the text in blue with your relevant text and run the script.
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
$ApiKey = "Enter_your_API_Key_here"
$your_cpm_address = "https://enter_you_cpm_address"
$tokenobtainurl = -join($your_cpm_address,"/api/token/obtain/api_key/")
$path_to_file = "Insert_full_path_to_where_you_want_to_print_the_users_list_to\users.txt"
#The below command stores the access key and refresh key received in the response from CPM
$Response = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $tokenobtainurl -Method "POST" -Headers @{"Authorization" = "Bearer $NO_AUTH" } -ContentType "application/json" -Body "{`"api_key`":`"$ApiKey`"}" | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "Your Access key is:" $Response.access
Write-Host "Your Refresh key is:" $Response.refresh
#Building the Authorization header
$Authorization = -join("Bearer ", $Response.access)
Write-Host "The Authorization Header is:" $Authorization
#Example below receives the list of users and stores them into a file on your PC
$userspath = -join($your_cpm_address,"/api/users/")
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $userspath -Method "GET" -Headers @{"Authorization"="$Authorization"; "Accept"="application/json; version=1.0" } -ContentType "application/json" -OutFile $path_to_file | ConvertFrom-Json
For full API documentation, please
refer to CPM’s API user guide-