Copy to S3 fails after upgrade to 4.2.2

Copy to S3 fails after upgrade to 4.2.2

Backup of snapshots to S3 bucket is failing after upgrade from 4.1 to 4.2.2

One possible reason for such an issue is the change in default behavior. 
In 4.2.2 we introduced the option to launch a worker with a IAM role attached to it. and by default launch it with a role if not configured otherwise.

The way copy to S3 works is, there are 2 accounts involved in copy operation: the account of the copied snapshot (or policy) and the account that owns the repository. These may be the same account, or they can be different. In case they are different, the server would provide the worker with 2 sets of credentials (the way it works in 4.1.1), one for each account.
However, when using instance role(new 4.2.2 option), there’s only a single role, and user has to make sure that this single role has access to both accounts. If using worker with IAM role was not intentionally configured, then setting proper permissions was most likely not done.

A possible solution is to make sure you have configured a worker configuration for the user/account/region(1) combination, and selected "No role" option(3) in the worker role(2) dropdown

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