CPM Crashed/Unavailable

CPM Crashed/Unavailable

CPM UI is unavailable or CPM Server instance status check is not 2/2

Workarounds and solutions:

1. Make sure that you are using HTTPS in the URL when trying to open N2WS.

2. The most common issue for UI being unavailable is resource issues (mem/CPU), the quickest solution is to stop/start the instance (not restart!).
Stopping and starting the instance (not restarting!) will also cause the Virtual Machine to startup using new virtual hardware, this can help if the issue was with the AWS virtual hardware (this is rare but we have seen it happen).
Another option is to also temporarily increase the instance size to give it more resources.

3. Check that no changes were done to the security groups/firewall and that communication is allowed inbound to the instance over port 443.

4. If you are using proxy/LoadBalancer/Firewall, check that they are working correctly.

5. After you have stopped/started or increased the size of the instance, wait 5 min and check if the UI is available. 

6. It is recommended to consult with our sizing guide to check if instance has the correct EBS/EC2 sizing:
  1. Recommended instance sizes/volume types for CPM Server instances
7. sometimes this can be caused by log files permissions issue, please have a look at this KB: 
  1. https://support.n2ws.com/portal/en/kb/articles/log-do

8. After doing all of the above, you can raise a ticket with Support to analyze the root cause.
You can download the logs from the UI or by connecting via SSH (user is cpmuser) and downloading the logs from:
  1. CPM Logs: /var/log/cpm
  2. Linux Logs: /var/log/syslog
  3. MYSQL Logs: /var/log/mysql
  4. Apache Logs: /var/log/apache2