DR may delay replication of some snapshots (showing them as "pending") with "Too many snapshot copies in progress"

DR may delay replication of some snapshots (showing them as "pending") with "Too many snapshot copies in progress"

DR may delay replication of some snapshots (showing them as "pending") with the following message printed in the logs:

"Volume DR We reached the max limit of snapshot copy requests for region US East (N. Virginia) (policy POLICY_NAME,in Backup account). Exception Too many snapshot copies in progress. The limit is 20 for this destination region."

This means that you have exceeded the default AWS limit of 20 snapshots being copied from one region to another.

Your options:

1) Contact AWS support to increase this limit
2) Change the policy to replicate every 3-4 backups instead of every time.
3) Spread the instances over multiple policies and replicate each policy into a different region, so you will have a higher total limit.
4) Use different accounts for different policies that run at the same time.
5) Any combination of the above.