DR process may time out due to exceeding the snapshot limit per region

DR process may time out due to exceeding the snapshot limit per region

In case Backup finished successfully but DR failed after 24 hours due to timeout as seen in the “Backup Log” example below:
Error - DR process failed: Timed out after 24 hours
Please download logs and search the CPM logs for:
RDS DR We reached the max limit of snapshot copy requests for region <Region Name><Policy Name>
If this message repeats every 20 minutes for hours before failure, it indicates that you have reached the max number of snapshots per region.

In order to resolve that issue please contact Amazon to increase the number of allowed snapshots per region for the DR account.

In order for CPM’s DR to fail instantly due to exceeding the max quota per region (and not to wait 24 hours till it times out), please upgrade to the latest 2.X.X patch.

Reference defect number - 32fa71650b, fixed in v2.1.2