File-level recovery may fail with "Reason: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe"
File-level recovery may fail with the following error printed in the CPM logs:
ERROR: explore_backup_init(.\cpmserver\cpm\filemanager\ File Level Recovery - failed exploring snapshot snap-0123456789abcdef. Reason: Volume vol-abcdef1234567890 created (original: vol-12345678). However attach to instance i-0987654321abcdef (device: /dev/xvdn) failed. Reason: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit
It's impossible to attach a root volume of an AWS MArketplace product to a
running instance. This is a protection mechanism AWS introduced to
prevent someone from using these volumes after they cancelled their
subscription to a product. You are allowed to keep snapshots of that
volume and recover them as part of an instance, but not to attach this volume to a running instance.
This is an AWS limitation, not a CPM limitation.