When doing file level recovery(FLR) or copy to S3 operation in the same account, N2WS might need to assume its own role to generate a token for the worker, this could lead to the below error
ERROR: get_instance_role_temp_credentials(aws_utils.py:1086) Failed to creating temp credentials for instance role (account: General1, user Admin). Error: User: arn:aws:sts::862967128348:assumed-role/MyCPMRole/i-0ecdce71be1f610a9 is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: arn:aws:iam::862967128348:role/MyCPMRole
ERROR: task_to_dict(backup_copy_manager.py:82) Exception occurred
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./cpmserver/cpm/backup_copy/backup_copy_manager.py", line 80, in task_to_dict
File "./cpmserver/cpm/backup_copy/s3_copy.py", line 1102, in backup_copy_task_to_dict
File "./cpmserver/cpm/backup_copy/copy_to_s3_common.py", line 74, in account_credentials_to_dict
Exception: could not assume role