How to create a read only user in CPM
Often backup Administrators are being asked by management for auditing purposes to monitor backups but the administrator does not want to grant that user the ability to modify backups and other important settings in CPM. The way to do this is to create a delegate user of the root account or the account you want to grant the user read only access to.
The steps to do this are:
1. Go to General Settings, Users in the CPM Console (while logged in as the root account) Then select the root user in this example the account is named joe. Click on New Delegate.
2. Give the user a name and assign a password. Then to make the "user view only" do not check any of the checkboxes and click save.
3. Log out as the root user and log in as the new user "test" and you can see in the next screenshot you can view backups but not modify them. You can see that the user that is logged in as the newly created test user and shows it is a delegate of the root account named joe.
For more details in user creation please see the CPM User Guide.