How to improve CPM’s performance or overcome high memory consumption by creating a swap partition
make sure your CPM complies with the recommended instance sizes regardless of
creating the swap file.
certain environments, CPM may suffer from performance issues or high memory
consumption even though the recommended instance sizes are followed.
such cases it is advised to create a swap partition.
follow the below steps:
- Login to cpm via ssh using cpmuser and your private key
Create a swap file with the
desired size:
sudo fallocate -l 4G
example will create a 4G swap file named swapfile under the root directory.
Generally, an amount equal to or double the
amount of RAM on your system is a good starting point.
Restrict the file permissions
to read/write only for the root user:
sudo chmod 600
chown root:root /swapfile
- Verify that the correct
permissions are applied:
ls -lh /swapfile - Create the swap file.
sudo mkswap /swapfile
- Tell the system to set up
the swap space by typing:
sudo swapon /swapfile - Verify that procedure was successful by typing:
sudo swapon -s
Output should look like the below:
Filename Type Size Used Priority
/swapfile file 4194300 0 -1
- Make the swap file permanent (it will retain after reboot):
sudo vim /etc/fstab
At the bottom of the file, you need to add a line that will tell the operating system to automatically use the file you created:
/swapfile none swap sw 0 0
Save and exit.
note- currently, this setting will not be retained when upgrading the CPM via
you upgrade using ami, you will have to follow this KB again after the upgrade
to Release Notes and the latest patch –
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