Message "Warning - Cross Account AMI backup is not supported" may appear in Backup Logs
The following message may appear in Backup Logs when policy has cross-account DR enabled, usually when Windows instances are protected in this policy:
Warning - Cross Account AMI backup is not supported
This is a result of an AWS limitation:
- "You can't copy an encrypted AMI that was shared with you from another account. Instead, if the underlying snapshot and encryption key were shared with you, you can copy the snapshot while re-encrypting it with a key of your own. You own the copied snapshot, and can register it as a new AMI.
- You can't copy an AMI with an associated billingProduct code that was shared with you from another account. This includes Windows AMIs and AMIs from the AWS Marketplace. To copy a shared AMI with a billingProduct code, launch an EC2 instance in your account using the shared AMI and then create an AMI from the instance.”