Must Gather information for CPM: how to collect relevant details for support.

Must Gather information for CPM: how to collect relevant details for support.

When opening a support ticket, please provide the following information.
You can attach the collected files (preferably in a single archive) to the ticket or an email reply (up to 20MB).
For larger files, please ask the support team for FTP instructions

Basic Information

Basic information to be provided:
  1. Description of the issue
  2. A screenshot of an error (if an error is displayed).
  3. Is this a one time occurrence?
  4. If the problem is reproducible - what are the steps to reproduce?
  5.  What is the version of CPM Server and Agents (if applicable) used?

Server Logs

Always no matter what the issue is, please provide the CPM Server logs using the link at the top right of the screen:


UI or Download logs not working?

If you are unable to connect to the CPM GUI or download logs, please connect to the CPM Server over SSH (using "cpmuser" and your assigned key) and perform these commands:
  1. sudo su
  2. tar cvzf /tmp/cpm_logs.tar.gz /var/log/cpm
  3. cp /tmp/cpm_logs.tar.gz ~cpmuser
  4. chmod o+r ~cpmuser/cpm_logs.tar.gz
If stability/availability of the CPM Server is in question,
please provide the Apache and MySQL logs as well:
  1. sudo su
                              Apache Configuration:
  1. tar cvzf /tmp/apache2_conf.tar.gz /etc/apache2
  2. cp /tmp/apache2_conf.tar.gz ~cpmuser
  3. chmod o+r ~cpmuser/apache2_conf.tar.gz
          Apache Logs:
    1. tar cvzf /tmp/apache2_logs.tar.gz /var/log/apache2
    2. cp /tmp/apache2_logs.tar.gz ~cpmuser
    3. chmod o+r ~cpmuser/apache2_logs.tar.gz
              MySQL Logs:
      1. tar cvzf /tmp/mysql_logs.tar.gz /var/log/mysql
      2. cp /tmp/mysql_logs.tar.gz ~cpmuser
      3. chmod o+r ~cpmuser/mysql_logs.tar.gz

      VSS agent Logs

      If an VSS Agent is involved in the issue, please provide:
      a) Agent logs (located in the "logs" subfolder of the installation directory)
      b) System and Application Event Logs saved as CSV (must be saved using the local Event Viewer on the protected instance, not a remote one).
      c) System Information saved as NFO
      d) Open an elevated administrator command line. Please run the following commands and send us the resulting files.

      1. vssadmin list writers >writers.txt
      2. vssadmin list providers >prod.txt
      3. vssadmin list shadows >shadows.txt
      4. vssadmin list volumes >vol.txt
      5. vssadmin list shadowstorage >shadstorage.txt


      ADFS (IDP)

      If the issue is ADFS (IDP) related, please provide in addition to CPM Server logs:
      a) Output of the following PowerShell commands:
          1) Get-AdfsProperties
          2) Get-AdfsEndpoint
          3) Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust
          4) Get-AdfsCertificate
          5) Get-AdfsSslCertificate
      b) System, Application and ADFS Event Logs saved as CSV (must be saved using the local Event Viewer on the ADFS server).
      c) System Information saved as NFO

      UI logs

      For some tickets UI browser logs might be needed in order to find the root cause, if asked by support you can use below steps to collect UI log

      Chrome dev tools network logs:
      1. Ctrl+shift+I to open chrome developer tools.
      2. Go to the network tab.
      3. Refresh the browser tab (F5)
      4. Reproduce the issue
      5. Export the network logs to a HAR file:

      Worker logs

      Usually AWS S3 workers logs are copied to the N2WS, but in some cases the worker will not be able to copy the logs to the main server, is such case Support might ask to manually collect the logs
      Please see this KB on how to manually collect he logs: How to retrieve logs from a CPM AWS Worker instance

      Thanks for reading this guide,
      N2WS Support Team.

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