MustGather information: how to collect logging and relevant details for CPM support (OldUI)

MustGather information: how to collect logging and relevant details for CPM support (OldUI)

When opening a support ticket, please provide the following information:

1. Always, no matter what the issue is, please provide the full CPM Server logs using the link at the bottom of the screen
If you are unable to connect to the CPM GUI, please connect to the CPM Server over SSH (using "cpmuser" and your assigned key) and perform these commands:
sudo su

tar cvzf /tmp/cpm_logs.tar.gz /var/log/cpm
cp /tmp/cpm_logs.tar.gz ~cpmuser
chmod o+r ~cpmuser/cpm_logs.tar.gz
  Since collecting logs over SSH doesn't update the Backup View Report the logs folder, you have to download it manually.

If stability/availability of the CPM Server is in question, please provide the Apache and MySQL logs as well:
sudo su

tar cvzf /tmp/apache2_conf.tar.gz /etc/apache2
cp /tmp/apache2_conf.tar.gz ~cpmuser
chmod o+r ~cpmuser/apache2_conf.tar.gz

tar cvzf /tmp/apache2_logs.tar.gz /var/log/apache2
cp /tmp/apache2_logs.tar.gz ~cpmuser
chmod o+r ~cpmuser/apache2_logs.tar.gz

tar cvzf /tmp/mysql_logs.tar.gz /var/log/mysql
cp /tmp/mysql_logs.tar.gz ~cpmuser
chmod o+r ~cpmuser/mysql_logs.tar.gz
Apache logs may be quite big, usually tens of megabytes compressed.
They can not be sent through email or uploaded into the Support Portal, please ask the support team for FTP instructions

2. If an Agent is involved in the issue, please provide:
a) Agent logs (located in the "logs" subfolder of the installation directory)
b) System and Application Event Logs saved as CSV (must be saved using the local Event Viewer on the protected instance, not a remote one).
c) System Information saved as NFO

3. If the issue is ADFS (IDP) related, please provide in addition to CPM Server logs:
a) Output of the following PowerShell commands:
    1) Get-AdfsProperties
    2) Get-AdfsEndpoint
    3) Get-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust
    4) Get-AdfsCertificate
    5) Get-AdfsSslCertificate
b) System, Application and ADFS Event Logs saved as CSV (must be saved using the local Event Viewer on the ADFS server).
c) System Information saved as NFO

4 Additional information to be provided:
a) A screenshot of an error (if an error is displayed).
b) Is this a one time occurrence?
c) If the problem is reproducible - what are the steps to reproduce?
d) What is the version of CPM Server and Agents (if applicable) used?

You can attach the collected files (preferably in a single archive) to the ticket or an email reply (up to 20MB).
For larger files, please ask the support team for FTP instructions

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