N2WS-22811 - Backup fails with error "internal agent error"

N2WS-22811 - Backup fails with error "internal agent error"


Backup fails with internal agent error in UI, because it fails to auto-remove terminated instances
There is this error in UI
Error - Backup is aborted due to an internal agent error

and this error in server logs
WARNING: run_snapshots(backup.py:2534) instance i-123456 doesn't exist anymore and will be removed from policy
ERROR: backup_function(backup.py:3231) Failing since backup function caught an exception for policy myPolicy , schedule Myschedule , retry: 0.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./cpmagent/aws/backup.py", line 3223, in backup_function
File "./cpmagent/aws/backup.py", line 3472, in backup_function_internal
File "./cpmagent/aws/backup.py", line 3597, in do_snapshots
File "./cpmagent/aws/backup.py", line 2560, in run_snapshots
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable


Patch for v4.2.0 & v4.2.1 is available and attached to this KB. 

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