N2WS-22828 & N2WS-22849 - Fix handling of disk encryption set during backup & recovery
Azure recovery for encrypted disks fails with DiskEncryptionSet was not found error
Info Recovery session started < type: virtual_machine, policy: AZ_DR_Encrypt, account: AzureMainAcct >
info Starting recovery of virtual machine's disks
Error Failed recovering disk (original: TestVM_OsDisk_1_12345, snapshot: cpm-policy-14-1-2023-9-26-11-18-38-447003_copy_2023-9-26-11-18-54-14613). Error: DiskEncryptionSet '/subscriptions/f29fac-8853-43a5-a4m7d-7d9cc1/resourceGroups/myRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/diskEncryptionSets/myCMK' was not found. (HttpResponseError)
Patch for v4.2.1 is available and attached to this KB.
This patch include two fixes, one is for issue with Encryption Set Selection During VM
Recovery Process
Second is adding support for custom
encryption during Disk DR, after deploying the patch, when doing DR backup you can pass a Disk Encryption Set id to be used for target location.
We are using tags to do it. Custom
tags can be add to specific disk, or to VM (to encrypt all snapshots with
same key).
Tag format:
name: cpm_dr_disk_encryption or cpm_dr_disk_encryption:LOCATION
value: Disk Encryption Set ID.
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