N2WS-24114 - N2WS AMI redeploy fails for server upgraded with patch

N2WS-24114 - N2WS AMI redeploy fails for server upgraded with patch

Customers who upgraded their N2WS server from v4.2 to v4.3 with patch downloaded from release notes before 20th June, will not be able to redeploy the server.
When trying to redeploy from marketplace and using existing 4.3 cpmdata volume, configuration fails with following error in the logs:
ERROR: write_cpm_db_version(cpm_config_utils.py:54) Failed to set updated DB version in DB: 1
ERROR: done(views.py:291) Configuration Failed with Exception: Failed to set updated DB version in DB: 1

  1. Install attached patch for v4.3

Note: this is not needed if you upgraded using AMI