How to - Remote installation of the CPM Agent
In order to remotely install the CPM Agent on a remote server, you can use its silent install feature.
Here is a sample Powershell script to be executed on the remote server:
$download_dir = "c:\cpm_agent"
$cpm_server_address = "12.345.67.89"
[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
mkdir "$download_dir"
Set-Location "$download_dir"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile("$cpm_url", "${download_dir}/CPMAgentService.msi")
$command_arguments = "/quiet /i CPMAgentService.msi SERVER_ADDRESS=${cpm_server_address}"
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" $command_arguments -NoNewWindow -Wait
If ($?) {
"CPM Windows agent installed successfully"
Set-Location "c:\"
Remove-Item -Recurse $download_dir
exit 0
} else {
"There was a problem while installing CPM Windows agent. Check ${download_dir} location for installation file"
exit 1
Please note that if an Agent of version prior to v2.0.0 is already installed on the remote server, it needs to be uninstalled first.