Resolving Snapshot Restore Failures from Cold Storage, Error: "not all blocks were processed"

Resolving Snapshot Restore Failures from Cold Storage, Error: "not all blocks were processed"


During the process of restoring a snapshot from cold storage, the snapshot is successfully retrieved from cold storage to the hot tier (S3). However, the restore process may fail when retrieving from S3 to EBS with the following error:

Worker i-123456789 reported error: proc 5639 failed : ['Failed to stop processor(s): not all blocks were processed (126)']


This issue is caused by the use of a HDD drive, which is relatively slow compared to an SSD. The slower performance of the HDD can lead to incomplete processing of blocks during the restore operation.


To resolve this issue, change the volume type from the default option of “Cold HDD” to “gp3”. This change has been shown to result in a successful volume recovery.

Steps to Change Volume Type

  1. Navigate to the AWS Management Console.
  2. Go to the EC2 Dashboard.
  3. Select the volume you want to modify.
  4. Click on “Actions” and choose “Modify Volume”.
  5. Change the volume type to “gp3”.
  6. Confirm the changes and proceed with the restore operation.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully restore the snapshot from S3 to EBS without encountering the error.