Volume Snapshot may fail with error The maximum per volume CreateSnapshot request rate has been exceeded

Volume Snapshot may fail with error "The maximum per volume CreateSnapshot request rate has been exceeded"

Volume Snapshots may fail with the following errors in the log files.

backup log
02-12-20 11:07:22 - Error - create snapshot of instance volume vol-xxxxxxxxxxxxx failed.
02-12-19 11:07:22 - Error - snapshot of instance ec2-xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xx, volume vol-xxxxxxxxxxxx failed.

cpm_ agent log
2020-02-12 11:07:17,328:[140015103362816] ERROR:  create_snapshot_minimal(agent.py:263)  Create snapshot for volume_id=vol-xxxxxxxxxxxxx Failure. Exception: The maximum per volume CreateSnapshot request rate has been exceeded. Use an increasing or variable sleep interval between requests.

This is an AWS limitation and can occur if N2WS is attempting to take a snapshot of an instance that is in more than one policy and the backup times overlap. If you have more than one policy that contains the same instance,  you will need to ensure the instance backups are not overlapping, the first backup of the instance must be complete before the next policy can backup the same instance. You can stagger your schedules to ensure they do not overlap.

The above error can also be caused by snapshots that are stuck in a pending or error state. You can read more about this AWS limitation here - https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/ebs-snapshot-stuck/