VPC Clone may fail with error: "Unable to get the object "
You may be presented with the following error when attempting a cross region clone of a larger sized VPC.
The region in the URL included in your error will be the target region for your VPC clone. This will occur if you choose an S3 Bucket during the VPC clone configuration, that is not located in the target region you are attempting to clone the VPC to.
When cloning a VPC from one region to another, N2WS will check the captured VPC template size, if the size is over 50k it will store the CloudFormation Template in an S3 bucket. In the additional options you will be presented with (pictured below) the bucket you choose must be located in the target region of the VPC clone.
To resolve this error, ensure you have entered an S3 bucket located in the target region for your VPC clone in the VPC clone options.