How to download N2WS logs and upload them to a support ticket
Summary This article explains how to gather N2WS server logs and upload them to an existing support ticket or to our FTPS server so that our support team can troubleshoot your issue. Steps: On your N2WS console select the "?" at the top right hand ...
How to upgrade an N2WS server from Ubuntu 22.04 to Ubuntu Pro
Before starting, make sure you know how to redeploy the server in case of issues during OS upgrade. In addition, Linux knowledge is Required. There are additional costs charged by AWS when using Ubuntu Pro. Warning: Do not cut and paste commands out ...
EBS DR backup fails with No matching KMS alias on target region
Issue: encrypted EBS backup to DR region is failing with following error: Solution: When the N2WS server is backing up an encrypted volume, the snapshot will be automatically encrypted with the same KMS key, When the server will then try to copy that ...
EFS require additional permissions
Issues: Due to recent AWS changes, you might need to add additional permissions to the relevant IAM policies. Action required We are updating Amazon EFS such that a principal applying tags to an EFS resource on creation (For example, a file system or ...
How to cancel AWS marketplace subscription (Standard/Advanced/Enterprise).
Background This KB will explain how to cancel N2WS AWS Marketplace editions (Standard/Advanced/Enterprise). Please note: If you purchased license directly from sale (BYOL edition), you will also need to contact the Sales Department at sales@n2ws.com. ...
Error: "Security type of VM is not compatible with the security type of attached OS Disk." During Recovery in Azure
When performing a recovery of a VM In Azure, you may face the following Error in the CPM UI: "Security type of VM is not compatible with the security type of attached OS Disk." Also the logs will show the following error: "Failed creating virtual ...
N2WS-21826 - Remove the Autocomplete attribute
Issue: This patch remove the Autocomplete attribute from the login HTML form Solution: Patch for v4.1.1a is available and attached to this KB. Click here to go back to the Release notes: Release notes for the latest v4.1.x CPM release
S3 Sync cross account failing due to AccessDenied error
Issue: When doing cross account S3 sync, it fails due to missing permissions on the bucket copy failed: s3://mybucketname//file_name.txt to s3://other_bcuket//file_name.txt An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the CopyObject operation: ...
Restore from S3 is launching the worker in the wrong subnet.
Background A user may configure workers for S3 copy and File level restores, but when doing a restore from S3 the worker may get launched in a subnet other than what is defined in the Worker configuration screen in the CPM Console. This is the ...
S3Sync: Source bucket: prod_bucket_A to Destination bucket: prod_bucket_B failed fatal error:S3SYNC An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: Access Denied
Issue: When trying to synchronize two buckets in CPM I get the following error message. S3Sync: Source bucket: Prod_bucket to Destination bucket: Dev_bucket failed fatal error: S3SYNC An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the ListObjectsV2 ...
Backup partially successful because "following app-aware agents are not connected: i-123456789ae"
Error Sometimes backup of windows instance might complete with partially successful status and the below info message in the UI logs (On newer versions this will be a warning message instead of info) Following 'app-aware' agents are not connected: ...
Read Only user for RDS to S3 feature
Info Starting at version 4.x, N2WS now support exporting RDS MySQL database to S3 for long term cost saving, this is done using two steps: Using the existing AWS RDS export to S3 feature to copy the data to the S3 bucket Exporting the schema ( as ...
CPM installation may fail when the instance is fronted by an Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) or an Application Load Balancer (ALB)
Background: By default when creating a new AWS Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) or an Application Load Balancer (ALB) it has a default timeout of 60 seconds. During the CPM installation this timeout value can be exceeded and cause the CPM installation to ...
Warning - Glacier restoration cost
When restoring backups from glacier, The data must first be copied to S3 (‘retrieved’) before it can be accessed. You need to be careful about the restoration cost, which can be affected by the selected Tier and days to keep From our user guide: The ...
cpmdata policy might fail with error volume does not exist
Issue: If the volumeID of the CPMDATA volume(EBS) changes (due to restoring CPM from snapshot for example), This might cause the cpmdata policy to fail, still showing the old VolumeID: Solution: try to run cpmdata policy ASAP
Recovering windows instance might fail with error: The request must contain the parameter ImageID
Issue: When recovering instance from DR account to DR account, it might fail with the following error in logs: 2020-09-22 00:16:35,135:[140237924660992][----------] ERROR: execute_api_call(__init__.py:140) Failed calling ec2.run_instances (region: ...
Cross account DR of EFS may fail with error: Error: EFS DR, backup fs-xxxxxxxx missing matching vault name on target region US West (Oregon) (original vault: Default)
Problem: When doing a DR copy of EFS file systems across regions the following error may occur: Error: EFS DR, backup fs-ea2d99a2 missing matching vault name on target region US West (N. California) (original vault: Default) Resolution: EFS Backup ...
Error on CPM thin agent install: Service failed to start due to insufficient privilege error
If you try to install a new CPM Agent (thin agent) used for VSS backups onto a Windows system that has an old version of the client installed, you will get the following error during the installation process when Windows attempts to start the ...
How cleanup works and why it might not delete snapshots older than the defined retention setting.
Background This KB Article will explain how the cleanup process works and why sometimes cleanup might not delete old snapshots It includes following sections: About the cleanup process Why Cleanup might not delete old snapshots Examples About the ...
Must Gather information for CPM: how to collect relevant details for support.
When opening a support ticket, please provide the following information. You can attach the collected files (preferably in a single archive) to the ticket or an email reply (up to 20MB). For larger files, please ask the support team for FTP ...
How to update the Apache or MySQL version on a CPM instance.
The only supported methodology to upgrade the CPM instance's version of the Apache Webserver or MySQL Database is to upgrade the version of CPM using the AMI method for upgrading. This is the only supported way to upgrade these underlying components ...
How to encrypt the N2WS server instance with a custom KMS on a Silent Install
This KB will show you how to encrypt the N2WS server instance with a custom KMS using the silent install option. More information on how to use the silent install can be found in our user guide here : https://n2ws.com/support/documentation The ...
CPM cleanup may fail with delete operation failed. Reason: The snapshot is currently in use by ami- ######## (error: InvalidSnapshot.InUse)
2019-09-30 23:16:54,583:[140578705110784][----------] ERROR: append_records_to_volumes_snaps_deleted_list(agent.py:3615) Failed to delete snapshot snap-47212b19 (policy Daily_Snaps), delete operation failed. Reason: The snapshot snap-472ce123 is ...
Best practice for S3 backups' frequency and retention
S3 backups are meant for low-frequency (weekly, monthly, yearly), long-term (over 3 months) retention backups. You can see our recommendation for S3 backup here: https://n2ws.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/N2WS-quick-guide-optimize-backups-S3.pdf Not ...
How To Test Connectivity from a CPM Worker to AWS endpoints
The Following Steps will help you Test the outgoing connection from the CPM Worker to AWS endpoints OR the CPM Server if you need to test to ensure that the Worker can reach the CPM server once it launches. Launch Worker First, ensure the CPM Worker ...
Backup to s3 may fail with error "Amazon REST error: 'S3 error: The operation is not valid for the object's storage class"
Backup to s3 may fail with error "Amazon REST error: 'S3 error: The operation is not valid for the object's storage class" In worker logs you may find this error: Amazon REST error: 'S3 error: The operation is not valid for the object's storage class ...
How to change instance type of S3 worker instances CPM
Some clients may need worker instances with more ram and CPU power. You can use this process to modify the ec2 instance type used for worker instances. We highly recommend not to change size unless it was suggested by the N2WS support team. Otherwise ...
How to retrieve logs from a CPM AWS Worker instance
Linux & AWS knowledge is required Please read the entire KB before starting. N2WS uses temporary EC2 worker instances for several operations (copy to S3, FLR, etc), In cases where a worker is failing before it could communicate with the main server, ...
How to update the AWS Role Permissions
Background This document details the steps needed to update the N2WS IAM Role Permissions. This is often needed when upgrading to a newer version as added functionality requires additional AWS Permissions. Steps for updating a policy 1. Please visit ...
Permission check may fail with an error "Could not assume role"
Issue: Permission check may fail with this error message: ERROR: get_assume_role_credentials(aws_utils.py:1337) Could not assume role arn arn:<AWS account ARN:RoleName> from account <CPM Account> (<CPM user>), reason User arn:<AWS account ARN:IAM ...
Failed to login to AD FS with the error: "The status code of the Response was not Success, was Requester -> urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidNameIDPolicy (invalid_response)"
Issue: When trying to login to AD FS from CPM, you may receive an error: "The status code of the Response was not Success, was Requester -> urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:InvalidNameIDPolicy (invalid_response)" The same error can be found in the ...
SAML Identity Provider user log in issues
Description: This KB article describes several scenarios that could happen when SAML based Identity Provider is used to provide log in requests for the CPM. Scenario 1 User tries to log in to the CPM when he belongs to cpm_<groupname> group in the ...
Cannot open ADFS login page while testing connection or trying to log in with an error "err_connection_reset"
Issue: When trying to connect to the fresh installation of ADFS from the CPM, you may receive an error message "err_connection_reset". When this issue occurs, no error or warning message appear in the CPM log files. Description: This issue may happen ...
How to configure IDP users to have Root/Admin Account Permissions in CPM
Background: Often administrators are asked to configure logins of an IDP solution with Cloud Protection Manager CPM. This document will discuss the required configuration steps needed to allow IDP users to easily access CPM GUI and be able to see ...
Login failure with the reason https://%cpm servername%/remote_auth/metadata is not a valid audience for this Response (invalid_response)
Background: This error can occur for several reasons when trying to implement IDP/ ADFS integration with Cloud Protection Manager. This document will detail what to check in Cloud Protection Manager and on the IDP side to resolve this. Excerpt from ...
Does Cloud Protection Manger (CPM) support AWS long resource Names?
Does Cloud Protection Manager (CPM) support AWS long resource Names? Yes Cloud Protection Manager fully supports the backup and tag scanning of AWS Objects that have the newly extended length of the resource ID field. If you experience any issues ...
Agents may not show up in the "Agents" tab after installation
Q: My Agents do not show up in the "Agents" tab in CPM GUI after installation. A: The Agents won't show up unless you have enabled Application Consistent Backup for these instances in the Backup Targets of your policy.
Error "Could not share private image ami-12345678 between accounts" may occur during cross-account instance recovery
Error "Could not share private image ami-12345678 between accounts" may occur during cross-account instance recovery: Error - Could not share private image ami-12345678 between accounts Error - First step (launching instance) failed. Reason: Could ...
Message "Warning - Cross Account AMI backup is not supported" may appear in Backup Logs
The following message may appear in Backup Logs when policy has cross-account DR enabled, usually when Windows instances are protected in this policy: Warning - Cross Account AMI backup is not supported This is a result of an AWS limitation: "You ...
How to update the Ubuntu distribution on the CPM instance
Before starting it is recommended to take backup of cpmdata volume and be familiar with how to restore the server. In order to update the Ubuntu distribution on the CPM instance, you have to follow these instructions precisely (when no backup/DR is ...
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