Cleanup Log
This feature was added to allow CPM users to better understand whether Cleanup process ran successfully. It can be found in the “General Settings” tab. The Cleanup Interval may be set to run every 1 to 24 hours. Last cleanup timestamp will show the ...
Does CPM Support rolling forward SQL logs after restore?
CPM doesn't support rolling forward SQL logs, since CPM performs "full backup", not "logs backup". We recommend to use the simple recovery model with CPM backups.
Does CPM backup ephemeral storage?
The answer is no, CPM does not backup the ephemeral storage. CPM utilizes native AWS snapshots, and they do not support ephemeral storage. Ephemeral storage is not meant for persistent data. That said, in some setups, to leverage the speed of that ...
CLI operations may fail with the “The read operation timed out” error
If you receive the “The read operation timed out” error during a CLI operation, you can use the parameter "--request_timeout<value>" to set a longer timeout. For example, "--request_timeout=60" would set a 10 minute timeout. --request_timeout ...
MustGather information: how to collect logging and relevant details for CPM support (OldUI)
When opening a support ticket, please provide the following information: 1. Always, no matter what the issue is, please provide the full CPM Server logs using the link at the bottom of the screen If you are unable to connect to the CPM GUI, please ...
How to backup instances in the Chinese regions
CPM can't be launched in China, since the AWS Marketplace is not enabled there. When it will be, CPM will be available as well. That said, CPM can be launched in another region and can manage backups in China. The Chinese regions are disabled in CPM ...
Backups/DR/tag scans may start to fail because of clock issues or connectivity issues.
Problem descriptions: If you start seeing failures in the logs of AWS API calls saying that "AWS was not able to validate the provided access credentials", this is likely caused by either lack of connectivity with AWS endpoints or time ...