Release documentation
CLI guide and software download for N2WS v4.4.0
CLI v2.4 for N2WS v4.4.0 and the guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Previous version: Attachments :
CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.3.1
CLI v2.3 for CPM v4.3.1 and the guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.3.0
CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.3.0
CLI v2.3 for CPM v4.3.0 and the guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.2.1 Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.3.1
Upgrade from v2.4/2.5/2.6
Upgrade from v2.4/2.5/2.6 In addition to the general upgrade instruction in the User guide, please also read the below and contact support if you have any questions. Customers that didn't use S3 backups in v2.4/2.5/2.6, don't need to perform any ...
Release notes for the latest v4.3.x CPM release
First time Installing? Watch the Install and Configure N2WS Backup & Recovery video tutorial AMI upgrade is available from 2.6.0 and above to 4.3.0 Support article: AMI upgrade directions Patch upgrade is available from 4.2 to 4.3.0 Support article: ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.2.1
CLI v2.2 for CPM v4.2.x and the guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.2.x Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.3.0
IAM minimal permissions comparison
v4.2.1 -> v4.3.0 minimal permissions comparison This table shows the new permissions added to the minimal permission json files in comparison to 4.2.0 Azure AWS "ec2:LockSnapshot", "ec2:UnlockSnapshot", "ec2:DescribeLockedSnapshots" ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.2.0
CLI v2.2 for CPM v4.2.x and the guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.1.x Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.2.1
Release notes for the latest v4.2.x CPM release
First time Installing? Watch the Install and Configure N2WS Backup & Recovery video tutorial AMI upgrade is available from 2.6.0 and above to 4.2.2 KB article: AMI upgrade directions Patch upgrade is available from 4.2.0/4.2.1 to 4.2.2. KB article: ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.1.0
CLI v2.1.0 for CPM v4.1.0 and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.2.0 Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.0.0x
Release notes for the latest v4.1.x CPM release
First time Installing? Watch the Install and Configure N2WS Backup & Recovery video tutorial AMI upgrade is available from any version to 4.1.1a KB article: AMI upgrade Patch upgrade: From 4.1.0 to 4.1.1. KB article: patch upgrade Patch File: ...
Minimal Azure permissions/roles for N2WS operations
The required minimal IAM permissions json is attached to this KB article. You can find detailed steps in our User guide, Chapter 26: Or in the following KB Article: How to setup CPM on AWS to backup Azure ...
Release notes for the latest v4.0.x CPM release
First time Installing? Watch the ' Install and Configure N2WS Backup & Recovery ' video tutorial created by our solution architect: For upgrade instructions ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.0.0
CLI v2.0 for CPM v4.0.0 and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.2.1x Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.1.0x
Splunk integration files
Splunk files for integrating with CPM V3.2.1/V4.0 are attached to this KB. You can find instructions in our User Guide - Appendix E Splunk Integration Support:
CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.2.1x
CLI v1.7 for CPM v3.2.0 and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v4.0.0 Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.2.0
CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.2.0
CLI v1.6 for CPM v3.2.x and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.2.1 Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.1.x
Release notes for the latest v3.2.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to version 3.2.x from 2.4.x/2.5.x/2.6.x , please see the instructions here: In addition, If you are using VSS Agents, after the latest version is installed, ...
Datadog Templates
Please find attach Datadog templates
How to upgrade CPM using a patch
Please note: upgrading using patch does not upgrade Apache/OS Upgrade Diagram General 1. It is recommended to deploy the patch when you have no active backup policies, DR or recovery running. as it will restart Apache and require few min downtime. 2. ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.1.x
CLI v1.5 for CPM v3.1.x and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.2.0 Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.0.x
Release notes for the latest v3.1.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to version 3.1.x from 2.4.x/2.5.x/2.6.x , please see the instructions here: In addition, If you are using VSS Agents, after the latest version is installed, ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.0.x
CLI v1.4 for CPM v3.0.x and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution. Next version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v3.1.x Previous version: CLI guide and software download for CPM v2.6.0 and 2.7.0
Release notes for the latest v3.0.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to version 3.0.x from 2.4.x/2.5.x/2.6.x , please see the instructions here: Upgrade to 3.0 is available via AMI upgrade only. Main New Features in v3.0: New ...
Upgrade instructions
This guide outlines the steps required to upgrade N2WS Backup & Recovery. We strongly recommend that you follow every step contained within this guide to ensure is done correctly and no data loss occurs. in addition to this article, we recommend that ...
Release notes for the latest v2.7.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to v2.7.x from any previous version, please see the instructions here: In order to upgrade to v2.7.x from v2.7.0 or newer only, you can use the patch file ...
Upgrade instructions for v2.7.0
This guide outlines the steps required to upgrade to N2WS Backup & Recovery version 2.7. We strongly recommend that you follow every step contained within this guide to ensure version 2.7 is configured correctly and no data loss occurs. Customers ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v2.6.0 and 2.7.0
CLI v1.3 for CPM v2.6.0 and v2.7.0 and the user guide are available for download as attachments to this solution. To download the CLI for version 2.5.0 of CPM, please see this link: ...
Release notes for the latest v2.6.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to v2.6.x from any version, please use the AMI upgrade method . The upgrade instructions are in the chapter 1.3.5 "Upgrading the N2WS Server Instance" at In order to ...
CPM RESTful API guide for CPM v2.6.0
Attached to this article is the user guide for CPM RESTful API v1.3 (for CPM v2.6.0 and up). For CPM CLI information see here: You can find the latest version ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v2.5.0
CLI v1.2 for CPM v2.5.0 and guide are available for download as attachments to this solution. This program will NOT work with versions of CPM older than v2.5.0. To download the CLI for older versions of CPM please see this link: ...
Release notes for the latest v2.5.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to v2.5.x, please use one of the methods below: 1) AMI upgrade method . Use the upgrade instructions in chapter 1.3.5 "Upgrading the CPM Server Instance" at This method ...
Release notes for CPM versions older than 2.1.x
Release notes for CPM versions older than 2.1.x February 7, 2017 (CRC 156A3AB4) 16a86dd6a1 - Assume role fails in agent if assuming account from another user dfc02fec0c - Increasing the system-wide timeout for VSS and scripts from 300 to 900 seconds ...
Release notes for the latest v2.4.x CPM release
In order to upgrade to v2.4.x from v2.3.x and earlier, please use one of the following methods: 1) AMI upgrade method, use the upgrade instructions in chapter 1.3.5 "Upgrading the CPM Server Instance" at ...
Release notes for the latest v2.3.x CPM release
================================================================================================ Release notes for v2.4.x are here: ...
Release notes for the latest v2.2.x CPM release
The latest patch can be found at (please unzip it before using) Upgrading to v2.2.x using patch is supported only from versions 2.1.3x and up. In order to upgrade from ...
CLI guide and software download for CPM v2.1.0 to v2.4.0
CLI v1.1 for CPM v2.1.0 to v2.4.0 is available for download as an attachment to this solution. This program will NOT work with CPM v2.5.0! To download CLI v1.2 for CPM v2.5.0 please see this link: ...
Release notes for the latest v2.1.x CPM release
================================================================================================ Release notes for v2.2x are here: ...
Required minimal AWS permissions/roles for CPM operation
You can apply all the required roles by using the JSON files inside the archive attached to this article (including the new permissions required for v4.0 and up). Note that for some editions there is more then 1 json file. If you are using FLR or ...