Encrypted Snapshot may fail DR with the “Given key ID is not accessible” error
Problem: DR copy may fail with errors like “Given key ID is not accessible” The following error may be printed in the CPM Backup log and the CPM Server log: Error - Volume DR copy snapshot failed for region US East (Ohio) (in DR account), ...
DR of an encrypted snapshot may fail with the “Not Authorized to use key” error
Problem: DR copy may fail with errors like “Not authorized to perform” or “not authorized to use key” Example in CPM backup log: 10-24-18 10:11:04 - Error - Volume DR copy snapshot failed for region US East (N. Virginia), snapshot ...
Cross-Region DR RDS backup may fail with "Copy failed due to an AWS limitation regarding default encryption key” error
RDS DR backup of encrypted snapshots between different regions may fail with the following error in the Backup log: Error - RDS DR, copy snapshot failed (to DR account) due to an AWS limitation regarding default encryption key (source US East (Ohio), ...
CPM configuration may fail with the error: "Could not attach volume %vol-id% to instance %Id% Reason: Invalid value '/dev/sdf' for unixDevice. Attachment point /dev/sdf is already in use"
Issue: CPM configuration may fail with the error: "Could not attach volume %vol-id% to instance %Id% Reason: Invalid value '/dev/sdf' for unixDevice. Attachment point /dev/sdf is already in use" ERROR: done( Could not attach volume ...
CPM server may display error "Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected"
During login via Identity Provider on the sign on page or during the Test Connection, CPM server may display error message: login failed. reason: Signature validation failed. SAML Response rejected (invalid_response) You may find corresponding errors ...
CPM Server may display error "Problem Occurred (500)" during the Identity Provider configuration
CPM Server may display error "Problem Occurred (500)" during IdP configuration: Error message: A Problem Occurred(500) Sorry, but there was an error while processing your request This error appears after you hit the 'Apply' button. The most likely ...
Failed to open IdP login page or to test connection with the errors: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." or "404 - File or directory not found."
Issue: When trying to connect to IdP from CPM, you may receive errors: "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." or "404 - File or directory not found." There are no errors in the AD FS event log or OKTA System logs, as well as CPM logs. ...
Logging into CPM using Identity Provider may fail with an error "An error occurred"
Issue: When trying to log in to CPM, you may receive the following error: In the CPM log files, there will be no related error messages, but in the Windows Event viewer you can find these errors: AD FS errors 261 and/or 364: AD FS error 364: AD FS ...
Login to the CPM using an IDP may fail with the "Invalid issuer" error message
If you're using an IDP, login to the CPM may fail with the following error message: login failed. reason: Invalid issuer in the Assertion/Response (invalid_response): It also may be found in the cpm_server.log: ERROR: ...
CPM supports custom encryption keys for DR
To support the usage of a custom encryption key for DR, you will need to perform the following: In the account where the custom key resides: Go to KMS and browse to the key you wish to share. Go to the "Other AWS accounts" at the bottom of the page ...
Basic API example for CPM login and retrieving the list of CPM users using powershell
The below script provides a basic example for the usage of CPM API with Powershell. Copy the below text into a .ps1 file, replace the text in blue with your relevant text and run the script. ...
Cross-Account and Cross-Region DR of an encrypted RDS database may fail
If cross-region and cross-account backup of an encrypted RDS database is successful, but fails in the cross-region cross-account DR copy, you may see the following error in the cpm logs: ERROR: start_copy_region( RDS DR copy_snapshot ...
An error may occur during the installation of CPM "Error = Failed creating root credentials"
An error "Failed creating root credentials" may occur during the installation of CPM. This error "Failed creating root credentials" is usually the caused by one of the following 1. Result of selecting the option "use existing volume" during a ...
"Cannot attach volume 'vol-xxxx' with Marketplace codes" error may be displayed during CPM upgrade
The following error message may be displayed when trying to upgrade the CPM instance using a new AMI: Could not attach volume vol-1234567890abcdef to instance i-abcdef0123456789. Reason: Cannot attach volume 'vol-1234567890abcdef' with Marketplace ...
How to setup AWS CloudTrail tracing for CPM Issues
Background: Sometimes for complex CPM issues, Support will request that you enable AWS CloudTrail tracing to assist in determining the root cause of an issue. The AWS CloudTrail is included in all AWS Services and does not require a separate ...
File Level Recovery may fail with error "The reason could be missing/unsupported file system"
File-level recovery may fail with the following error printed in the CPM logs: Partition Table: gpt Number Start End Size File system Name Flags 1 2097kB 805GB 805GB primary raid INFO: ...
File-level recovery may fail with "Reason: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to accept terms and subscribe"
File-level recovery may fail with the following error printed in the CPM logs: ERROR: explore_backup_init(.\cpmserver\cpm\filemanager\ File Level Recovery - failed exploring snapshot snap-0123456789abcdef. Reason: Volume ...
A backup may be marked "Partially Successful" due to the "Instance probably doesn't exist anymore" error
A backup may be marked "Partially Successful" due to the "Instance probably doesn't exist anymore" error: Error - (instance: i-1234567890abcdef) could not get object from aws. Instance probably doesn't exist anymore ... Warning - Finished kicking off ...
Recovery of an encrypted volume may fail: "Not authorized to use key"
Issue: Performing a cross account recovery of an encrypted volume, or of an instance containing an encrypted volume may not work if the target account cannot access the encryption key from the source account. Error may appear in the CPM Server log as ...
Error Message "Only 1 instances of CPM Enterprise Edition are allowed to perform backup in one account." when performing upgrade or installation of CPM server.
Symptom: When upgrading or installing your CPM server by installing a new instance, you could get the following error: Only 1 instances of CPM Enterprise Edition are allowed to perform backup in one account. the following instances belong to this ...
Empty tag value may result in the error "Instance (or Volume) <ID> wasn't scanned properly"
The error "Instance (or Volume) <ID> wasn't scanned properly" may appear in resource scan log and CPM server log if an instance, or volume is configured with the cpm backup tag key, and the tag value is empty. This message will appear only if the tag ...
Agent connection may fail with error <urlopen error [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed>
A backup warning may appear in the backup log: "Info - Following 'app-aware' agents are not connected: <instanceID>" The following error may appear in the remote agent log: ERROR: get_agent_tasks(agentapi_requests.pyo:374) failed calling url ...
Old versions (pre-v2.1.x) of CPM may fail to communicate with AWS with error "could not get object from aws" and reason "SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed"
Old versions (pre-v2.1.x) of CPM may fail to communicate with AWS, logging the following error: Error - (instance: i-12345678) could not get object from aws. Reason: [Errno 1] _ssl.c:503: error:14090086:SSL ...
A c5 instance recovery from snapshot may fail
If CPM didn't backup a c5 instance with initial ami (snapshots only), the recovery may fail with the following error: To recover a c5 instance you will need to use the AWS CLI to create an AMI to be used during recovery. The examples below are ...
"Cannot attach volume 'vol-xxxx' with Marketplace codes" error may be displayed during the Explore operation
The following error message may be displayed when trying to explore a root volume of an instance that belongs to an AWS Marketplace product: Explore failed: 1. Volume vol-1234567890abcdef created (original: vol-0abcdef123456789). However attach to ...
Agents tab may show “Last Heard From” state as “Never” for Windows Server 2016 or 2019 agents
If a policy is configured with Windows Server 2016 or 2019 backup targets, and Application-consistent backup is enabled but the Agents tab shows the instance’s Last Heard From state as Never, please RDP to the agent server and check the following: ...
Backup of RDS may fail with the error “can not take snapshot, db is in stopped state" error
Backup of RDS may fail with the below error: "(database: >DB name>) can not take snapshot, db is in stopped state" This is due to an AWS limitation. AWS automatically backs up a stopped RDS, so there is no need for manual backups: ...
Volume recovery may fail during File Level Restore with the “exceeded your maximum storage limit” error
Exploring a volume via Backup Monitor may fail with the following error: If you experience this error, you need to increase the total storage limit in this region for the type of storage mentioned in the error. In EC2 console, go to the desired ...
DR of encrypted snapshots may fail with the “No matching KMS alias” error
DR of encrypted snapshots may fail with the following error in the Backup log: ERROR: start_copy_region(.\cpmserver\cpm\<line number>) Volume DR copy snapshot failed (in Backup account). No matching KMS alias on target region (source ...
Cross-account exploring of encrypted snapshots may fail
Exploring of cross-account encrypted snapshot may fail with error: Reason: Encrypted snapshots with EBS default key cannot be shared (OperationNotPermitted) If you receive the error above, please note that exploring a cross-account snapshot with ...
Resizing the cpmdata volume
Resizing the cpmdata volume is done like any other ec2 instance. The general procedure can be found here - IMPORTANT - Before extending a file system that ...
CPM may malfunction if security group is misconfigured
CPM may malfunction if security group is misconfigured. For example CPM may experience slow response and timeout in CPM console/GUI when adding backup targets: ERROR: policy_add_databases(.\cpmserver\cpm\ rds.RDSConnection or ...
Error "Policy "Policy_Name" doesn't exist/attached to account" may be printed into CPM server log during the tag scanning operation
The following may be printed into the CPM server log during the tag scanning operation: ERROR: manage_account_tagged_resources(.\cpmserver\cpm\ Policy_Name doesn't exist/attached to account To resolve: Find error in CPM server logs, ...
CPM may fail to communicate with AWS gateways with the "timed out" error
CPM may fail to communicate with AWS gateways with the "timed out" error during various operations: ERROR: run_snapshots(.\cpmagent\ snapshot of policy PolicyName, volume: vol-0123456789abcdef failed (independent). Reason: timed out ...
Complete_VSS operation may fail if snapshot takes more than 45 minutes to complete
Complete_VSS operation may fail if snapshot takes more than 45 minutes to complete, due to exceeding the default VSS timeout: In order to verify this, you should check the Agent's logs - VSS script should fail with return code "3" immediately after ...
Backup of cpmdata may fail after migration/upgrade with the "The volume '....' does not exist" error
Backup of cpmdata may fail after migration/upgrade with the "The volume '....' does not exist" error: Error - snapshot of independent volume vol-0123456789abcdef failed to start. Reason: The volume 'vol-0123456789abcdef' does not exist This error may ...
DR may fail to copy a snapshot with the "The specified keyId .... is not accessible" error
DR may fail to copy a snapshot with the "The specified keyId .... is not accessible" error logged in the Backup Log and CPM Server log: Error - Volume DR copy snapshot failed for region EU (Ireland), snapshot snap-0123456789abcdef. Reason: The ...
Instance recovery may fail with the error "You are not authorized to perform this operation"
Instance recovery may fail with the error "You are not authorized to perform this operation" : ERROR: recover_ebs_based_instance(.\cpmserver\cpm\ Run_instance failed. Exception: EC2ResponseError: 403 Forbidden <?xml version="1.0" ...
File-level restore may fail with the "Could not get CPM instance info" error
File-level restore may fail with the "Could not get CPM instance info" error: The following error is printed in the CPM server log: ERROR: explore_backup_init(.\cpmserver\cpm\filemanager\ Could not get CPM instance info ...
Troubleshooting Linux scripts in CPM
In order to troubleshoot scripts, you need to connect to the CPM instance over SSH (using user "cpmuser") and execute the scripts from command line. Please do not use "su" or "sudo", as CPM doesn't elevate permissions. If when you run the script you ...
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