CPM may mark a successful RDS snapshot as failed

CPM may mark a successful RDS snapshot as failed

CPM may mark a successful RDS snapshot as failed. In the backup log you may see the following error:
Error - snapshot of database <DBname> failed.

There may also be a "rate exceeded" error in the CPM server logs:
ERROR: get_list(connection.py:1180) 400 Bad Request
ERROR: get_list(connection.py:1181) <ErrorResponse xmlns="http://rds.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-05-15/">
<Message>Rate exceeded</Message>

ERROR: wait_for_snapshots(.\cpmagent\agent.py:793) rds, Policy 23, error in 'get_all_snapshots()'. Reason: Rate exceeded

If you face this issue, please upgrade to the latest 2.X.X version.

Reference defect number - N2WS-908, fixed in v2.2.0a