DR may fail with the Encrypted snapshots with EBS default key cannot be shared OperationNotPermitted

Cross-account DR may fail with the "Encrypted snapshots with EBS default key cannot be shared (OperationNotPermitted)" error

DR may fail with the "Encrypted snapshots with EBS default key cannot be shared (OperationNotPermitted)" error:
Error - Volume DR copy snapshot failed for region Asia Pacific (Sydney), snapshot snap-0123456789abcdef (to DR account). Reason: Failed adding share permission to snapshot snap-0123456789abcdef (original volume: vol-abcdef0123456789) Failed. Reason: Encrypted snapshots with EBS default key cannot be shared (OperationNotPermitted)

AWS doesn't support copying snapshots with default encryption between accounts.  This is not a CPM limitation.

Here is a quote from Chapter 12  "Cross-Account DR, Backup and Recovery" in CPM's User Guide at https://docs.n2ws.com/user-guide/12-cross-account-dr-backup-and-recovery:

"Cross-account functionality is enabled for encrypted EBS volumes and instances with encrypted EBS volumes.
  • Users will need to share the encrypted key used for the encryption of the volumes or RDS instance to the other account as N2WS will not do it.

  • In addition, N2WS expects to find a key in the target account with the same alias as the original key (or just uses the default key)."

You can use a custom encryption key to perform DR: https://support.n2ws.com/portal/kb/articles/cpm-supports-custom-encryption-keys-for-dr