DR may fail due to the Volume DR Failed getting volumes info and RequestLimitExceeded errors

DR may fail due to the “Volume DR Failed getting volumes info” and “RequestLimitExceeded” errors

If DR fails with the below errors in Backup log

ERROR: check_region_copy_state(.\cpmserver\cpm\dr_volume.py:<line_number>) Volume DR Failed getting volumes info in region <Region name> (policy <Policy Name>,in Backup account), Exception: BotoServerError: 503 Service Unavailable <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Response><Errors><Error><Code>RequestLimitExceeded</Code><Message>Request limit exceeded.</Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-12345678901f</RequestID></Response> ERROR: dr_function_inner(.\cpmserver\cpm\dr.py:<Line Number>) DR of policy <Policy name>, backup from <Date timestamp>, failed

Please upgrade to latest 2.X.X. version to resolve the issue.

Reference defect number - 8614f6cfa4, fixed in v2.1.3.