Backup may fail with the "The snapshot 'snap-01234567890abcdef' does not exist" error.

Backup may fail with the "The snapshot 'snap-01234567890abcdef' does not exist" error.

Issue: Backup fails with the following errors in the backup log,

MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS - Error - Failed creating all tags for snapshot snap-01234567890abcdef (AMI ami-01234567890abcdef, instance i-01234567890abcdef)

MM-DD-YY HH:MM:SS - Error - Backup is aborted due to an internal agent error

If you face this issue, please upgrade to latest 2.X.X version
Reference defect number – N2WS-3662, fixed in v2.4.0

Link to Release Notes and the latest patch