CPM may generate an error in the logs when creating snapshots with tags that begin with “aws:”

CPM may generate an error in the logs when creating snapshots with tags that begin with “aws:”

When CPM creates snapshots, some snapshots may have tags that begin with “aws:”.

These tags are AWS’s tags and are only allowed to be used by AWS. Therefore, when CPM will create a snapshot of an EC2 resource with such a tag, the snapshot will succeed but copying the tags will fail with the following error in the server.log:

Failed to add <EC2 resource> snapshot tags <tag_name>. Error Tag keys cannot start with the reserved prefix "aws:". (InvalidParameterValue)

A fix is available for CPM 3.1.0a . This was included in CPM 3.1.0b . This can be obtained from the CPM 3.1 Release notes link.