N2WS-19829 - can't create S3 Repository for bucket located in enabled region with assume role account type
When the S3 bucket is located in new/enabled region (such as Hong Kong for example), Then creating new S3 Repository will fail with the following error in UI
Failed creating repository. Reason: ['Failed accessing the specified bucket testingtesting.']
And this error in server logs
ERROR: execute(s3_repository_operations.py:94) ['Failed accessing the specified bucket testingtesting]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./cpmserver/cpm/model_operations/s3_repository_operations.py", line 49, in execute
File "./cpmserver/cpm/validators.py", line 1668, in validate_aws_bucket_name
django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: ['Failed accessing the specified bucket testingtesting.']
Patch for v4.0.0c Available and attached to this KB