Upgrade instructions for v2.7.0

Upgrade instructions for v2.7.0

This guide outlines the steps required to upgrade to N2WS Backup & Recovery version 2.7.
We strongly recommend that you follow every step contained within this guide to ensure version 2.7 is configured correctly and no data loss occurs.

Customers that didn't use S3 backups in v2.4-2.6, don't need to perform any actions described below, and should perform upgrade as usual - please see "Upgrading the N2WS Server Instance" at https://n2ws.com/support/documentation/introduction-to-cpm

Important notice for customers using Copy to S3:
All data previously archived to S3 (using versions 2.4-2.6) cannot be recovered using version 2.7. To recover this data in the future, you will need to create an AMI of the existing N2WS instance prior to completing the upgrade process. In order to do this, please complete the following mandatory steps:
Before shutting down the 2.4.x, 2.5.x or 2.6.x N2WS server
1. Disable the local CPM Agent (please ensure that no backup/DR/Cleanup/S3 is in process):
•    Connect to CPM in SSH, then type: sudo mv /opt/n2wsoftware/cpmagent/agent.pyo /opt/n2wsoftware/cpmagent/agent.pyo.disabled

2. Use the AWS Console to create an image (AMI) of the existing N2WS instance. You should retain this AMI to ensure that you can recover data previously archived to S3, using any version prior to 2.7. Retain this AMI for as long as you need to recover the legacy data (pre-v2.7) from S3.
Launch this AMI (defaults to recover only mode) whenever in need to recover from the old S3 repository.
•    Navigate to the EC2 console
•    Select the running N2WS instance
•    Under the Actions menu select Image
•    Create Image

3. Launch version 2.7 using the normal upgrade process - please see "Upgrading the N2WS Server Instance" at https://n2ws.com/support/documentation/introduction-to-cpm
Notice for customers using Copy to S3:
•    Once version 2.7 is launched, the first archive to S3 will be FULL. All subsequent backups will be incremental as usual.
•    You can maximize cost savings by moving previously archived data (pre-v2.7) from S3 to S3 Intelligent Tiering (or IA if preferred)

Process to clean up your older (pre-2.7) S3 repository
Once version 2.7 is launched, all data previously archived to S3 (using versions 2.4 - 2.6) will not be deleted by the N2WS cleanup operation.
When based on your retention policy you no longer need any of the archived backups in your older repository (using versions 2.4-2.6) follow the steps below to manually delete it:
To delete a repository named ‘Repository_to_Delete’ located at ‘Configured_S3_Bucket’:
I.    Use AWS console to access S3 console
II.    The repository, ‘Rep_to_Delete’, will be located under
‘Configured_S3_Bucket’ > ‘Veeam’ > ‘Backup’ > ‘Rep_to_Delete’
III.    Select ‘Rep_to_Delete’ folder and use S3 console to delete it.

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