Upgrade using AMI to v2.6.0 from earlier versions may fail with the Configuration Wizard timing out and Could not upgrade mysql

Upgrade using AMI to v2.6.0 from earlier versions may fail with the Configuration Wizard timing out and "Could not upgrade mysql"

Upgrade using AMI to v2.6.0 from earlier versions may fail with the Configuration Wizard timing out:

The following error may be printed in the "config_shell_commands.log" file:
upgrade_mysql_db(:60) Could not run mysql5.6 on docker, error=409 Client Error: Conflict ("Conflict. The container name "/mysql56" is already in use by container "648d2f1ba3087b4f55566c71dae96d9ad6c930c018362ddedee1af52182261e7". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name.")
perform_shell_commands(:418) Could not upgrade mysql, returned: 1
perform_shell_commands(:444) Failed upgrading or starting databse after 10 retries, giving up
handle_configuration_result_notification(:34) Due to configuration failure = Stopping cpmagent

If you encounter this error, please use the latest 2.6.X version AMI.

Reference defect number – N2WS-8462, fixed in v2.6.0a (AMI only)
Link to Release Notes and the latest patch – https://support.n2ws.com/portal/kb/articles/release-notes-for-the-latest-v2-6-x-cpm-release