Release notes for v2.4.x are here:
There is no patch to upgrade from v2.2.x or earlier to 2.3.x.
The patch (attached at the bottom of this page) can only be used to upgrade from v2.3.x to a newer version.
The patch can be applied by using the "CPM patches" link at the bottom of the GUI:

Applying the same patch twice by mistake is perfectly safe.
Please apply the patch/upgrade using AMI when no backups/DR is running.
the latest version is installed, please upgrade the Agents too
(if you are using them).
Change log:
October 1, 2018 (CRC C54A8740) - version 2.3.0e (Patch can only be applied to v2.3.0c and v2.3.0d)
N2WS-1633 - CPM may fail to run a policy, if 64 other policies are already running
N2WS-2096 - Snapshot level reports with time filter may collect all entries, and not just the filtered
N2WS-2114 - Exploring an instance with multiple volumes may not show all volumes in the Explorer window
N2WS-2116 - Improve cli behavior in recover-db-instance
N2WS-2173 - Unable to delete all snapshots from a policy.
N2WS-2234 -IDP login may fail due to uppercase letters in the CPM username
N2WS-2332 - Changing a timezone in v2.3.x doesn't work
N2WS-2400 - Add AWS account number to backup and snapshot reports
N2WS-2543 - Implicitly choose user in the "run-backup" CLI command
N2WS-2614 - Long directory names may cause display problems in FIle Level Restore
N2WS-2696 - Error "Failed to add RDS db snapshot tags xyz. Error Tag keys cannot start with the reserved prefix "aws:"" is printed in the Server log
N2WS-3097 - Increasing timeout on internal communication for very large policies
N2WS-3577 - CPM may fail to copy RDS/Aurora tags
N2WS-3642 - Explore session may fail if initialization takes too long
N2WS-3696 - Updated Apache to fix the CVE-2018-1333 and CVE-2018-8011 vulnerabilities (AMI only fix)
new features:
N2WS-2264 - Added support for new instance types - c5d family & i3.metal
N2WS-2446 - Added support for new instance types - m5d family
N2WS-3188 - Added support for new instance types - r5 family & z1d
N2WS-3418 - Added support for new instance types - T3 family – for backed-up instances
May 10, 2018 (CRC 54E51779) - version 2.3.0d
N2WS-1868 - DR of an AMI between Chinese regions may fail with "Failed looking for source KMS"
N2WS-2119 - RDS Aurora cluster backups may fail if there are more than 100 db-instances in a single account in a single region
N2WS-2135 - Tags may not be recovered during instance recovery
N2WS-2156 - Remote Agent in v.2.3.x can't be installed on Windows 2003, 2008, 2008 R2 and 2012
new features:
N2WS-2299 - Added support for new RDS types - db.x1 & db.x1e families
May 1, 2018 (CRC 21E7408F) - version 2.3.0c
N2WS-1632 - Daily Summary may not alert about policies that are not running
N2WS-1659 - "Test Connection" for IDP integration may fail with no errors logged/displayed
N2WS-1783 - After upgrade to v2.3.x customers may fail to add new users or perform IDP integration with error "SAML error IntegrityError: (1048, "Column 'last_login' cannot be null")"
N2WS-2063 - CPM may continue to backup old cpmdata volume if it still exists after an AMI-based upgrade.
N2WS-2070 - CPM accepts values only up to 9999 for http proxy port
April 11, 2018 (CRC EE02F668) - version 2.3.0b Please upgrade to v2.3.0c or newer!
N2WS-1321 - Daily Summary of non-admin users may include scan logs for other users
N2WS-1662 - "cpm-manage-regions" utility may not work in 2.3.x
N2WS-1682 - Daily Summary may stop working after upgrade to v2.3.x
April 5, 2018 - version 2.3.0a (AMI only) Please upgrade to v2.3.0c or newer!
N2WS-1640 - Upgrading to v2.3.0 AMI may result in "HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error" after login
April 4, 2018 - version 2.3.0 (AMI only) Please upgrade to v2.3.0c or newer!
N2WS-417 - Schedule may be skipped on the wrong day of the week after a DST change
N2WS-588 - Recovery of 'c5' instances type fails [(ENA) is required]
N2WS-882 - Instance tags may be copied into AMI's volumes instead of original volumes' tags
N2WS-1323 - Protected against SAML vulnerability VU#475445
N2WS-1344 - ADFS/IDP logout may fail
N2WS-1472 - "Auto removal" may not work if the same instance is located in several policies
N2WS-1483 - Tags may not be copied to RDS and Aurora snapshots
new features:
N2WS-275 - Added support for DynamoDB backup and recovery
N2WS-279 - New "Reporting" tab
N2WS-300 - Disabled days of the week selection in Weekly and Monthly schedules
N2WS-580 - Added support for Aurora DR and Cross-account DR
N2WS-692 - New RESTful APIs: currently supporting creation and manipulation of users, accounts, schedules and policies
N2WS-1032 - Added a CloudFormation template to launch CPM in AWS Marketplace
N2WS-1041 - Enable login into CPM from Okta's console.
N2WS-1160 - User management enhancement - ability to assign managed users to independent users
N2WS-1172 - Added checking IAM permissions and option to download IAM policies in JSON format
N2WS-1182 - New reports: "Protected resources" and "Unprotected resources"
N2WS-1211 - Security hardening: disabled dangerous ciphers: RC4, 3DES and more. CPM remote agent now supports TLS 1.2.
N2WS-1273 - Added support for Instance Recovery to a dedicated host