In addition, If you are using VSS Agents, after the latest version is installed, please manually upgrade VSS Agents by downloading the thin backup agent from the upgraded CPM server and
reinstalling within the instance OS.

First time Installing N2WS Backup & Recovery? Watch the 'Install and Configure N2WS Backup & Recovery 3.0' video tutorial created by our solution architect:

Permissions: due to the new functionality in v3.2, you may need to update your permission policies. Please see the JSON templates attached to this KB:
Upgrade to 3.2.1 from 2.x/3.0.x/3.1.x is available via AMI upgrade only.

Main New Features in v3.2.1:
N2WS AnySnap Archiver
Import existing Amazon EBS snapshots (not taken by N2WS Backup & Recovery) and archive directly to Amazon S3 for long term retention.
File-level recovery (FLR) from Amazon EFS
Restore individual files from Amazon EFS without needing to restore the entire system.
File-level recovery (FLR) from multiple snapshots
Search within multiple snapshots at once to restore a single file, with no need for indexing.
Splunk integration
Mutual customers can monitor backup, DR, and archiving operations from a customizable dashboard

Main New Features in v3.2.0:
Support for Amazon Fsx
Backup and recover Amazon Fsx workloads.
File-level recovery (FLR) from Amazon S3
Locate and restore single files from Amazon S3 and view FLR sessions from the new monitor.
Data lifecycle management for EBS volumes
Archive independent volumes to Amazon S3 for long term retention.
EBS volume usage
Track EBS volume usage and set alerts for high/low usage.
Secured DR account
Enable additional security checks on DR accounts and set alerts.
New backup summary report
Generate report showing key backup metrics and drill down by account and/or user.
Datadog integration
Mutual customers can monitor backup operations and alerts from a customizable dashboard
Additional Patches: Additional patches on top of 3.2.1
February 17, 2021 - version 3.2.1
N2WS-16959 - Enable cross account DR in standard edition.
N2WS-16682 - Add support for new Provisioned IOPS Volume (gp3) for Amazon EBS
N2WS-16971 - Use GP3 volume type as default type for CPMDATA
N2WS-13681 - Expend Test worker config option
N2WS-14489 - Improve 'missing backup' warning in daily summery
N2WS-13893 - Retry of backup will not delete previous backup record from monitor
N2WS-16333 - Raise alert if logs are kept in debug mode
N2WS-17580 - For glacier recovery, default retrieval tier set to standard and raise warning when using Expedite
N2WS-17602 - Cross-account recovery(S3) fails for encrypted EBS fails with "can not find encryption key for encrypted volume"
N2WS-17438 - Protected resource report not showing proper name & ID for DynamoDB
N2WS-17470 - Protected resource report showing DynamoDB resources in separate rows
N2WS-17443 - restore from glacier fails with "error occurred (400) when calling the HeadObject operation"
N2WS-16181 - S3 backups may get deleted unexpectedly without being archived
N2WS-16169 - Protected resource report fails with UnicodeEncodeError
N2WS-16606 - Fsx backup successful in AWS but CPM reports failure: "Backup Failed on all volumes/databases"
N2WS-16557 - Can't install CPM with installation wizard when using Edge Chromium Browser
N2WS-16681 - Recover & attach EBS to another AZ fails with "Can't recover instance, wrong availability zone for instance"
N2WS-16142 - Timeout when adding new S3 repo if there is too much S3 buckets
N2WS-16698 - aws prefix causes cross account recover to fail
N2WS-16565 - IP address Error when recovering an existing instance in a cloned VPC/Subnet
N2WS-16934 - KMS intermittent fails with "Error: Given key ID is not accessible"
N2WS-16257 - Delegate of managed user can’t see the Cost($) column
N2WS-16816 - Freezer item not appearing in backup/snapshot reports
N2WS-16987 - Freezer updates needs to be logged at audit report
N2WS-15733 - Generating json snapshot report with From/To time filters fails with "FieldError: Cannot resolve keyword 'backup_record'....."
N2WS-13710 - Redundant EFS resource scan message(" is already in policy") in CPM Daily Summary
N2WS-15660 - S3 Cleanup error "The following snapshot(s) could not be deleted from repository"
N2WS-16913 - Backup stuck in progress with error "BackedUpInstance matching query does not exist"
N2WS-17481 - Volumes appear red and show deleted or detached in policy and instance configuration screen
N2WS-17604 - Instance Recovery settings window, Volumes tab - pressing the capacity arrows don't work properly
N2WS-17612 - Setting volume gp3 type in recovery scenario instance setting, required to move IOPS & Throughput to "custom"
November 12, 2020 - version 3.2.0
N2WS-14887 - Add AMI assistant for recovery scenario
N2WS-13901 - Recovery scenario supporting EFS DR
N2WS-12754 - Refresh button was added to cleanup view in case of running 'Cleanup Now'
N2WS-15372 - Add support for new Provisioned IOPS Volume (io2) for Amazon EBS
N2WS-15552 - Add delete all button to alert popup
N2WS-15961 - Add alert to backup cpmdata before patch installation
N2WS-15678 - Add option to config worker tags for DR account
N2WS-14337 - Improved snapshot report performance and resource consumptions
N2WS-14812 - Reduce the size of new collected S3 worker logs
Issues fixed:
N2WS-14394 - delegate user of root without privileges have the options to add 'New' or 'Delete' worker tags
N2WS-15259 - when recovering from cross account to origin, correct values are not selected by default
N2WS-15015 - missing permission option in UI for IDP
N2WS-14321 - fix JQuery vulnerability
N2WS-15238 - region column in recover window should show original region
N2WS-15325 - recovery fails with {'vpc': u'AWS resource name vpc-a1234dcba is not valid.'}
N2WS-15327 - recovery scenario recover instance in wrong region
N2WS-15630 - Exclude Time Range gets shifted forward when the schedule is saved
N2WS-15651 - improve the error - 'NOT' not a valid key=value pair (missing equal-sign) in Authorization header: 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=COULD NOT ASSUME ROLE
N2WS-15649 - CE error: Number of filter values cannot be more than 200
N2WS-15716 - backup get orphaned and agent logs show error Data too long for column tag_value
N2WS-15706 - Tag scan removes and add instances
N2WS-15684 - Cleanup issues when using copy to S3
N2WS-15345 - Re-enable JSON support for Snapshot Report API
N2WS-15543 - recovery scenario doesn't try to switch volumes
N2WS-15867 - Server agent process crash when lots of policies are running Simultaneously
N2WS-15375 - Copy to S3 failed to launch worker due to deadlock
N2WS-12779 - FireFox timeout occurs before VPC clone is
completed, However clone is successful eventually.
Known issues
N2WS-15977 - REST show wrong time than UI when time zone is Sao Paulo
N2WS-15971 - volumes are not presented in some recovery settings
N2WS-16095 - Device should be a mandatory field while in Recovery Scenario chosen option of selecting volume recovery with attach to instance
N2WS-15264 - "instance need to be in stop state" not raised before running recovery scenario with “Switch Attached Volumes"
Click below to see Features & Fixes in pervious version