Upgrading to v2.2.x using patch is supported only from versions 2.1.3x and up.
In order to upgrade from earlier versions, please
The patch can be applied by using the "CPM patches" link at the bottom of the GUI:

Applying the same patch twice by mistake is perfectly safe.
Please apply the patch/upgrade using AMI when no backups/DR is running.
the latest patch/version is installed, please upgrade the Agents too
(if you are using them).
Change log:
February 16, 2018 - version 2.2.0a
new features:
N2WS-1054 - (AMI only) Provided OS updated against Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) and one Spectre variant (CVE-2017-5753) Vulnerabilities
N2WS-739 – Improved the look and arrangement of the "General Settings" page
N2WS-740 - Added an option to use custom CPM DNS/IP for IDP
N2WS-767 - Added an option to select NameID format for IDP
January 8, 2018 - version 2.2.0
new features:
N2WS-585 - Simplified initial configuration of CPM, especially for new free trials
N2WS-505 - Added instance and CPM tags to volumes of AMIs created by CPM
N2WS-568 - Proxy password is now obfuscated in UI
N2WS-662 - Reject access and secret keys belonging to an AWS root account
N2WS-612 - Added support for new regions: Paris (France) & Ningxia (China)
ea89a118c6 - Added support for SAML-base IDP providers.
6cae32989c - Added support for new instance types: x1e.32xlarge, P3 family, C5 family, xe1 family, m5 family, H1 family.
58b86bbfc6 - Added support for new Redshift node types: dc2.large & dc2.8xlarge, added support for the Aurora db.r4 family, added support for RDS R4 and M4 families
e8772c3f31 - More data for the Snapshot View report - Added start time, account, policy and status
2d61283f34 - Added support for Windows 2016 Server Core (previously CPM Agent service failed to start on Windows 2016 Server Core)
6a50d9e6f7 - Added support for Aurora Clusters using PostGreSQL engine
e5de964f41 - CPM now adds tags to snapshots and AMIs using a single API call
Release notes for v2.3.x are here: