Release notes for the latest v4.2.x CPM release

Release notes for the latest v4.2.x CPM release

First time Installing? Watch the Install and Configure N2WS Backup & Recovery  video tutorial

AMI upgrade is available from 2.6.0 and above to 4.2.2 

Patch upgrade is available from 4.2.0/4.2.1 to 4.2.2.  
Patch File: 4.2.2_upgrade.patch
Note: Please read upgrade documentation before performing AMI upgrade!

Main New Features in v4.2:

System and security
  1. MFA Support
  2. Operating system upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04

  1. Support for DocumentDB
  2. Support for FSX Open Zfs
  3. Support for FSX DR
  4. Support Redshift cluster cross-account DR to original region
  5. Enhanced Volume usage accuracy by using AWS SSM agent

  1. File Level recovery now support Azure targets
  2. Recovery Scenario now support Azure policies
  3. Improved SqlServer backup and recovery implementation
  4. Improved Disk DR implementation, Azure Disk DR no longer needs Storage account and support multiple locations 

Lifecycle Management:
  1. Store AWS volume snapshot in Azure repository 
  2. Support Azure immutable Repository

Change log:

Additional Patches:  Additional patches on top of 4.2.2

Dec 12, 2023 - version 4.2.2

N2WS-23045 - Support Postgres 15 & 16 copy to S3
N2WS-21522 - Add support for backup target instance types: DL2q, c7i, r7a, r7i, c7a, bare metals for C7i, M7i, r7a, R7i and R7iz
N2WS-22832 - Add support for custom encryption for Azure Disk DR

Security Fixes:
Apache/2.4.58– Apache upgraded to latest version (when deploying via AMI)

Issues fixed:
N2WS-23062 - AMI DR fails with "error: list index out of range (UnknownError))"
N2WS-23054 - Admin delegate user can't view S3 Cleanup log
N2WS-23037 - CBT fails with "Exception: occupied_percentage is None."
N2WS-23036 - Azure worker fails to communicate on private IP
N2WS-23029 - Unprotected Resources report fails to be created due unprotected document db cluster
N2WS-23025 - Missing horizontal scroll on instances list on recovery screen
N2WS-23008 - Fix error during TGW capture "Failed template creation (mechanism 2) on tgw-123456789, stack 2"
N2WS-22997 - Azure backup of SQL server with 2 or more databases fails often
N2WS-22992 - Error on JSON response for Azure snapshot report API
N2WS-22987 - Retrieval from Glacier stuck on "Initializing retrieve"
N2WS-22979 - Exception during error logging for timed out backup.
N2WS-22951 - VSS external data is not shown in 4.2.1 recovery screen
N2WS-22950 - Data mismatch between EBS recovered and Glacier recovered volumes
N2WS-22948 - When restoring RDS, failing with error "Message: 'str' object has no attribute 'tag_name'" 
N2WS-22901 - Scheduled reports fails to generate any report when user has MFA enabled.
N2WS-22896 - False positive missing backups alerts
N2WS-22888 - Backup to DR region of RDS with custom option group fails with missing group error.
N2WS-22879 - DR retention is not working
N2WS-22866 - Copy to S3 is ignoring selected storage class
N2WS-22849 - Fix handling of disk encryption set during backup & recovery
N2WS-22840 - Exception on calling network_parameters API
N2WS-22811 - Backup fails with error "internal agent error"
N2WS-22801 - Snapshot report shows N/A for "Valid Data Size" and 'Unknown' for "Changed Data Size"
N2WS-22771 - Azure cost explorer fails with "failure too many requests"

N2WS-22733 - Add new RestAPI for getting network parameters for recovery.
N2WS-22726 - Add support for Aurora Serverless v2
N2WS-22658 - Add support for new region Israel(Tel Aviv)
N2WS-21522 - Add support for instance types p4, p5, C7gd, M7gd, R7gd, M7i, M7a and Hpc7a
N2WS-17632 - Add partial update support for policies RestAPI's. 
N2WS-22751 - Make cpmdata disk space warning configurable and change default to 250MB 
Issues fixed:
N2WS-22800 - Change AWS GovCloud account for Worker AMIs
N2WS-22796 - Add missing remote agent logs 
N2WS-22773 - Missing scrollbars in recovery page when there is to many instances/volumes/etc
N2WS-22769 - S3 failing with error "failed calling ebs.list_changed_block"
N2WS-22763 - Handle stuck worker not getting terminated.
N2WS-22756 - Resolve S3 performance degradation caused by the list_changed_blocks()
N2WS-22753 - Add handling for new RequestThrottledException expection during S3 operations
N2WS-22745 - Azure backup fails with "The Resource 'Microsoft.Compute/disks/Data' under resource group 'myRG' was not found"
N2WS-22741 - Improve S3 readers and segments handling
N2WS-22738 - Wrong hostname is used for STS China regions
N2WS-22725 - Check permission button is missing when only Azure Cloud is enabled
N2WS-22721 - Add handling for new SlowDown expection during S3 operations
N2WS-22694 - Fix performance issue on UI recovery page
N2WS-22687 - Azure Immutable Backup fails with missing permissions "Microsoft.Authorization/locks/write"
N2WS-22672 - Tag scan fails with exception "IndexError: list index out of range"
N2WS-22666 - Post upgrade, enable/disable button in policy monitor not working
N2WS-22662 - FSX backup fails after upgrade with "unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'NoneType'"
N2WS-22651 - When recovering Azure SQL, the recovery log with worker information is written to the backuplog instead of recovery log.
N2WS-22642 - Backup status stuck with error: "Incorrect string value: for column 'tag_value' at row 1"
N2WS-22641 - Backups not running when "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterface" permission missing
N2WS-22634 - Cost Savings shows N/A after upgrade
N2WS-22629 - Default VM size for Azure SQL operations changed to Standard_B2ms.
N2WS-22604 - Backup for Azure SQL Server with HTTP Proxy Fails to Include Proxy Details to worker
N2WS-22603 - Azure snapshots cleanup are not mentioned properly in cleanup log
N2WS-22597 - Azure VM recovery fails with missing NIC
N2WS-22595 - Azure VM with trusted launch fails DR cross region recovery
N2WS-22593 - Worker configuration screen is stuck on blank window
N2WS-22592 - Azure DR backup logs message should mention specific region
N2WS-22586 - Remote agent backup with scripts fails
N2WS-22524 - Azure worker logs path and zip name incorrect 
N2WS-22521 - For redshift DR, add log message when DR account is not allow to delete snapshots
N2WS-22474 - FSX restore fails with "Exception: Invalid preferredSubnetId. (BadRequest)"
N2WS-19973 - Add missing DR status to Azure Backup report

N2WS-22447 - Add support for Azure disks with private access
N2WS-22107 - Add new volume usage report
N2WS-22042 - Add option to export UI tables to file
N2WS-21805 – Add support for VPC RTB route with target as Transit Gateway.
N2WS-21176 - Add support for Azure premiumV2 disks
N2WS-21727 - RDS for Oracle - supports copying original option groups during in-region cross-account snapshot copy
N2WS-21694 - Add support for tags on FSx ONTAP volume & SVM
N2WS-21617 - Add Linux utility to reset root admin password & MFA 
N2WS-21522 - New backup target instance types support: r6a,i4g,inf2,Trn1n,Metals,M7g,R7g,Hpc6id,M6in,M6idn,C6i,R6in,R6idn,u-24tb1.112xlarge,u-18tb1.112xlarge
N2WS-21512 - Show vault lock info to user for EFS
N2WS-21336 - Add backup timeout per policy
N2WS-21292 - Add VPC debug mode to the existing diagnostic log mode
N2WS-21272 - For FSx ONTAP, add recovery options for 'self managed active directory'
N2WS-21269 - Support using IAM roles attached directly to S3 Workers
N2WS-21259 - Add support for FSx ONTAP Single AZ recovery
N2WS-21231 - Support launching cleanup worker in repository account
N2WS-21059 - Show costs of Azure snapshots created by N2WS
N2WS-20873 - Optimize S3 Cleanup performance
N2WS-20384 - Add Tag editor on recovery
N2WS-20218 – Add IPV6 support to VPC/TGW Clone
N2WS-19542 - Keep mount points/access points when restoring EFS
N2WS-16688 - Seperate retention for DR

Security Fixes:
Apache/2.4.57– Apache upgraded to latest version
N2WS-21826 - Remove the Autocomplete attribute from the login HTML form
N2WS-21241 - Support using AWS Secrets Manager for Silent Config

Issues fixed:
N2WS-22420 - Copy to S3 failing with local device /dev//dev/xvdf (/dev/xvdf) does not exist
N2WS-22292 - Backup complete with warning "Got <long_name> for placement, saving None since field is too long"
N2WS-22265 - Azure recovery fails with popup error "Cannot locate resource, KeyError: <Region name>"
N2WS-22234 - RDS recovery uses wrong storage type
N2WS-22199 - VPC clone fails with "Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies"
N2WS-22037 - When editing account getting error: ”AttributeError: 'PermissionDenied' object has no attribute 'message'
N2WS-22186 - Error message KeyError: '<Region name>' appears when creating a new Azure Policy in CPM
N2WS-22146 - Improve error in the logs "unauthorized: /agentapi/agent_tasks/"
N2WS-22109 - Reset logs file permissions on reboot
N2WS-22034 - Azure VM recovery under different RG does not work
N2WS-21985 - Unable to recover from S3 backup to DR account, if DR failed
N2WS-21910 - Usage report fails with "TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'"
N2WS-21967 - Change worker logs to info
N2WS-21963 - S3 fails with "Failed to stop processor(s): not all blocks were processed"
N2WS-21940 - S3 Cleanup failing to start
N2WS-21908 - Preserve NIC tags on recovery
N2WS-21879 - RDS restore from S3 fails with "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER"
N2WS-21868 - New region support: UAE, Zurich, Spain, Hyderabad, Melbourne
N2WS-21831 - Handle InternalError & OperationAborted errors during S3 cleanup
N2WS-21820 - Handle InternalError errors during S3 copy
N2WS-21751 - VPC capture fails with "The prefix list (pl-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) does not exist"
N2WS-21736 - Fix wrong error message "Failed to list objects in %s/%s"
N2WS-21732 - add cpmserver.cfg to download log if exist
N2WS-21693 - Enable modification to Preserve Tags checkbox on root volumes
N2WS-21639 - Recovery scenario doesn't restore the instance role of a backed up instance
N2WS-21638 - After patch upgrade, getting irrelevant tag scan warnings about Excluded instance volumes
N2WS-21631 - Recover Postgres RDS from S3: Failed to recover table
N2WS-21590 - Fix Rest API user guide "run AWS policy ASAP" incorrect instructions
N2WS-21589 - Don't check verified Recipients on SMTP 
N2WS-21543 - VPC download template fails with Template format error: Number of resources, 1223, is greater than maximum allowed
N2WS-21537 - Fix glacier table in configuration csv
N2WS-21507 - Refresh browser after installing patch
N2WS-21494 - Fix alert "Temp DB instance found in AWS(region), but has no corresponding DB record"
N2WS-21347 - Don't retrieve announcemennt in force recovery mode
N2WS-21320 - Configuration csv creation fails with list index out of range
N2WS-21283 - AMI DR, skip checking multi-region key when AMI isn't encrypted
N2WS-21174 - When S3 fail with AWS internal error, get AWS request ID 
N2WS-21092 - S3 cleanup fails with Out of range value
N2WS-21061 - Handle EBSless instance as missing instance
N2WS-20982 - RDS Recovery Scenario fails with list index out of range
N2WS-20726 - IOP values are not retained from backed up volumes
N2WS-19535 - unprotected report, EBS included despite EC2 having no-backup tag
N2WS-19428 - Fix issue where you could create freezer record with same name as the policy
N2WS-18902 - Worker test show incorrectly that both ebs & S3 tests failed even if only one failed.
N2WS-18021 - Volume usage does not display updated capacity

Click below to see Features & Fixes in pervious version

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