AMI upgrade is available from 2.6.0 and above to 4.2.2
Patch upgrade is available from 4.2.0/4.2.1 to 4.2.2.

Note: Please read upgrade documentation before performing AMI upgrade!

Main New Features in v4.2:
System and security
- MFA Support
- Operating system upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04
- Support for DocumentDB
- Support for FSX Open Zfs
- Support for FSX DR
- Support Redshift cluster cross-account DR to original region
- Enhanced Volume usage accuracy by using AWS SSM agent
- File Level recovery now support Azure targets
- Recovery Scenario now support Azure policies
- Improved SqlServer backup and recovery implementation
- Improved Disk DR implementation, Azure Disk DR no longer needs Storage account and support multiple locations
Lifecycle Management:
- Store AWS volume snapshot in Azure repository
- Support Azure immutable Repository
Change log:
Additional Patches: Additional patches on top of 4.2.2
Dec 12, 2023 - version 4.2.2
N2WS-23045 - Support Postgres 15 & 16 copy to S3
N2WS-21522 - Add support for backup target instance types: DL2q, c7i, r7a, r7i, c7a, bare metals for C7i, M7i, r7a, R7i and R7iz
N2WS-22832 - Add support for custom encryption for Azure Disk DR
Security Fixes:
Apache/2.4.58– Apache upgraded to latest version (when deploying via AMI)
Issues fixed:
N2WS-23062 - AMI DR fails with "error: list index out of range (UnknownError))"
N2WS-23054 - Admin delegate user can't view S3 Cleanup log
N2WS-23037 - CBT fails with "Exception: occupied_percentage is None."
N2WS-23036 - Azure worker fails to communicate on private IP
N2WS-23029 - Unprotected Resources report fails to be created due unprotected document db cluster
N2WS-23025 - Missing horizontal scroll on instances list on recovery screen
N2WS-23008 - Fix error during TGW capture "Failed template creation (mechanism 2) on tgw-123456789, stack 2"
N2WS-22997 - Azure backup of SQL server with 2 or more databases fails often
N2WS-22992 - Error on JSON response for Azure snapshot report API
N2WS-22987 - Retrieval from Glacier stuck on "Initializing retrieve"
N2WS-22979 - Exception during error logging for timed out backup.
N2WS-22951 - VSS external data is not shown in 4.2.1 recovery screen
N2WS-22950 - Data mismatch between EBS recovered and Glacier recovered volumes
N2WS-22948 - When restoring RDS, failing with error "Message: 'str' object has no attribute 'tag_name'"
N2WS-22901 - Scheduled reports fails to generate any report when user has MFA enabled.
N2WS-22896 - False positive missing backups alerts
N2WS-22888 - Backup to DR region of RDS with custom option group fails with missing group error.
N2WS-22879 - DR retention is not working
N2WS-22866 - Copy to S3 is ignoring selected storage class
N2WS-22849 - Fix handling of disk encryption set during backup & recovery
N2WS-22840 - Exception on calling network_parameters API
N2WS-22811 - Backup fails with error "internal agent error"
N2WS-22801 - Snapshot report shows N/A for "Valid Data Size" and 'Unknown' for "Changed Data Size"
N2WS-22771 - Azure cost explorer fails with "failure too many requests"
Additional Patches: Additional patches on top of 4.2.1
Sept 25, 2023 - version 4.2.1
N2WS-22733 - Add new RestAPI for getting network parameters for recovery.
N2WS-22726 - Add support for Aurora Serverless v2
N2WS-22658 - Add support for new region Israel(Tel Aviv)
N2WS-21522 - Add support for instance types p4, p5, C7gd, M7gd, R7gd, M7i, M7a and Hpc7a
N2WS-17632 - Add partial update support for policies RestAPI's.
N2WS-22751 - Make cpmdata disk space warning configurable and change default to 250MB
Issues fixed:
N2WS-22800 - Change AWS GovCloud account for Worker AMIs
N2WS-22796 - Add missing remote agent logs
N2WS-22773 - Missing scrollbars in recovery page when there is to many instances/volumes/etc
N2WS-22769 - S3 failing with error "failed calling ebs.list_changed_block"
N2WS-22763 - Handle stuck worker not getting terminated.
N2WS-22756 - Resolve S3 performance degradation caused by the list_changed_blocks()
N2WS-22753 - Add handling for new RequestThrottledException expection during S3 operations
N2WS-22745 - Azure backup fails with "The Resource 'Microsoft.Compute/disks/Data' under resource group 'myRG' was not found"
N2WS-22741 - Improve S3 readers and segments handling
N2WS-22738 - Wrong hostname is used for STS China regions
N2WS-22725 - Check permission button is missing when only Azure Cloud is enabled
N2WS-22721 - Add handling for new SlowDown expection during S3 operations
N2WS-22694 - Fix performance issue on UI recovery page
N2WS-22687 - Azure Immutable Backup fails with missing permissions "Microsoft.Authorization/locks/write"
N2WS-22672 - Tag scan fails with exception "IndexError: list index out of range"
N2WS-22666 - Post upgrade, enable/disable button in policy monitor not working
N2WS-22662 - FSX backup fails after upgrade with "unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'int' and 'NoneType'"
N2WS-22651 - When recovering Azure SQL, the recovery log with worker information is written to the backuplog instead of recovery log.
N2WS-22642 - Backup status stuck with error: "Incorrect string value: for column 'tag_value' at row 1"
N2WS-22641 - Backups not running when "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterface" permission missing
N2WS-22634 - Cost Savings shows N/A after upgrade
N2WS-22629 - Default VM size for Azure SQL operations changed to Standard_B2ms.
N2WS-22604 - Backup for Azure SQL Server with HTTP Proxy Fails to Include Proxy Details to worker
N2WS-22603 - Azure snapshots cleanup are not mentioned properly in cleanup log
N2WS-22597 - Azure VM recovery fails with missing NIC
N2WS-22595 - Azure VM with trusted launch fails DR cross region recovery
N2WS-22593 - Worker configuration screen is stuck on blank window
N2WS-22592 - Azure DR backup logs message should mention specific region
N2WS-22586 - Remote agent backup with scripts fails
N2WS-22524 - Azure worker logs path and zip name incorrect
N2WS-22521 - For redshift DR, add log message when DR account is not allow to delete snapshots
N2WS-22474 - FSX restore fails with "Exception: Invalid preferredSubnetId. (BadRequest)"
N2WS-19973 - Add missing DR status to Azure Backup report
Additional Patches: Additional patches on top of 4.2.0
July 19, 2023 - version 4.2.0
N2WS-22447 - Add support for Azure disks with private access
N2WS-22107 - Add new volume usage report
N2WS-22042 - Add option to export UI tables to file
N2WS-21805 – Add support for VPC RTB route with target as Transit Gateway.
N2WS-21176 - Add support for Azure premiumV2 disks
N2WS-21727 - RDS for Oracle - supports copying original option groups during in-region cross-account snapshot copy
N2WS-21694 - Add support for tags on FSx ONTAP volume & SVM
N2WS-21617 - Add Linux utility to reset root admin password & MFA
N2WS-21522 - New backup target instance types support: r6a,i4g,inf2,Trn1n,Metals,M7g,R7g,Hpc6id,M6in,M6idn,C6i,R6in,R6idn,u-24tb1.112xlarge,u-18tb1.112xlarge
N2WS-21512 - Show vault lock info to user for EFS
N2WS-21336 - Add backup timeout per policy
N2WS-21292 - Add VPC debug mode to the existing diagnostic log mode
N2WS-21272 - For FSx ONTAP, add recovery options for 'self managed active directory'
N2WS-21269 - Support using IAM roles attached directly to S3 Workers
N2WS-21259 - Add support for FSx ONTAP Single AZ recovery
N2WS-21231 - Support launching cleanup worker in repository account
N2WS-21059 - Show costs of Azure snapshots created by N2WS
N2WS-20873 - Optimize S3 Cleanup performance
N2WS-20384 - Add Tag editor on recovery
N2WS-20218 – Add IPV6 support to VPC/TGW Clone
N2WS-19542 - Keep mount points/access points when restoring EFS
N2WS-16688 - Seperate retention for DR
Security Fixes:
N2WS-21826 - Remove the Autocomplete attribute from the login HTML form
N2WS-21241 - Support using AWS Secrets Manager for Silent Config
Issues fixed:
N2WS-22420 - Copy to S3 failing with local device /dev//dev/xvdf (/dev/xvdf) does not exist
N2WS-22292 - Backup complete with warning "Got <long_name> for placement, saving None since field is too long"
N2WS-22265 - Azure recovery fails with popup error "Cannot locate resource, KeyError: <Region name>"
N2WS-22234 - RDS recovery uses wrong storage type
N2WS-22199 - VPC clone fails with "Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies"
N2WS-22037 - When editing account getting error: ”AttributeError: 'PermissionDenied' object has no attribute 'message'
N2WS-22186 - Error message KeyError: '<Region name>' appears when creating a new Azure Policy in CPM
N2WS-22146 - Improve error in the logs "unauthorized: /agentapi/agent_tasks/"
N2WS-22109 - Reset logs file permissions on reboot
N2WS-22034 - Azure VM recovery under different RG does not work
N2WS-21985 - Unable to recover from S3 backup to DR account, if DR failed
N2WS-21910 - Usage report fails with "TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like object or a number, not 'NoneType'"
N2WS-21967 - Change worker logs to info
N2WS-21963 - S3 fails with "Failed to stop processor(s): not all blocks were processed"
N2WS-21940 - S3 Cleanup failing to start
N2WS-21908 - Preserve NIC tags on recovery
N2WS-21879 - RDS restore from S3 fails with "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER"
N2WS-21868 - New region support: UAE, Zurich, Spain, Hyderabad, Melbourne
N2WS-21831 - Handle InternalError & OperationAborted errors during S3 cleanup
N2WS-21820 - Handle InternalError errors during S3 copy
N2WS-21751 - VPC capture fails with "The prefix list (pl-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) does not exist"
N2WS-21736 - Fix wrong error message "Failed to list objects in %s/%s"
N2WS-21732 - add cpmserver.cfg to download log if exist
N2WS-21693 - Enable modification to Preserve Tags checkbox on root volumes
N2WS-21639 - Recovery scenario doesn't restore the instance role of a backed up instance
N2WS-21638 - After patch upgrade, getting irrelevant tag scan warnings about Excluded instance volumes
N2WS-21631 - Recover Postgres RDS from S3: Failed to recover table
N2WS-21590 - Fix Rest API user guide "run AWS policy ASAP" incorrect instructions
N2WS-21589 - Don't check verified Recipients on SMTP
N2WS-21543 - VPC download template fails with Template format error: Number of resources, 1223, is greater than maximum allowed
N2WS-21537 - Fix glacier table in configuration csv
N2WS-21507 - Refresh browser after installing patch
N2WS-21494 - Fix alert "Temp DB instance found in AWS(region), but has no corresponding DB record"
N2WS-21347 - Don't retrieve announcemennt in force recovery mode
N2WS-21320 - Configuration csv creation fails with list index out of range
N2WS-21283 - AMI DR, skip checking multi-region key when AMI isn't encrypted
N2WS-21174 - When S3 fail with AWS internal error, get AWS request ID
N2WS-21092 - S3 cleanup fails with Out of range value
N2WS-21061 - Handle EBSless instance as missing instance
N2WS-20982 - RDS Recovery Scenario fails with list index out of range
N2WS-20726 - IOP values are not retained from backed up volumes
N2WS-19535 - unprotected report, EBS included despite EC2 having no-backup tag
N2WS-19428 - Fix issue where you could create freezer record with same name as the policy
N2WS-18902 - Worker test show incorrectly that both ebs & S3 tests failed even if only one failed.
N2WS-18021 - Volume usage does not display updated capacity
Click below to see Features & Fixes in pervious version